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Space selection method for pre-earthquake crustal magnetic activity detection in ULF band

Cosa seminari
Quando 21/09/2009
da 11:00 al 15:00
Persona di riferimento Angelo De Santis
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21 settembre 2009 | ore 11 | Dr. Fiodor Dudkin | Centro di Ricerche Spaziali Ucraino | Sala Conferenze Roma | Sede Centrale | Sezione Roma 2

A new approach is developed to find the source azimuth of the ULF electromagnetic (EM) signals believed to be emanating from well defined seismic zones. The method is test applied on magnetic data procured from the seismoactive region of Koyna-Warna, known for prolonged reservoir triggered seismicity. Extremely low-noise, high-sensitivity LEMI-30 search coil magnetometers were used to measure simultaneously the vector magnetic field in the frequency range 0.001-32 Hz at two stations, the one located within and another ~100 km away from the seismic active zone. During the observation campaign extending from March 15 to June 30, 2006 two earthquakes of magnitude ML > 4 occurred, which have been analysed for the potential presence of precursory EM signals.

Comparison of polarization ellipses (PE) parameters formed by the magnetic field components at the measurement stations, in select frequency bands, allows discrimination of seismo-EM signals from the natural background ULF signals of ionospheric origin.

The results on looking for precursor candidates and analysis of signal peculiarities are given in the presentation.